Electric Jeep Wrangler Finishes Rubicon Trail


An electric Jeep Wrangler completed the Rubicon Trail this year at the annual Jeep Jamboree. The electric Jeep was built by a South Korean firm and shipped over on a boat in time for the annual Jeep Jamboree gathering. It packed an onboard gasoline generator to recharge the batteries at night, but it completed the course on batteries only, making it the first EV to ever complete the famous Rubicon Trail. I’ve often though the low-end torque from an EV would be great in a Wrangler, and personally I wouldn’t want to drive a fully-built one multiple hours on a highway anyways so maybe Jeep can get this going into production some day. Check out the video – it’s got some funny bits and some great crawling action. Congrats to the South Korean team who put this Jeep build together! We look forward to seeing more videos soon.


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